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Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 6:21 pm
by mayoollie
I'm Ollie from the South of the UK.

I am an agronomist which means I look after various crops on farms across my area. I have been doing this for 12 months and I am still training toward my agronomy qualification. Prior to this I worked in commodities and also worked on farms on and off for some time so I've had a go at most jobs.

I am an avid PC gamer and Steam user, and I built my computers from scratch. Currently running a fairly big mixed farm on FS 2013.



Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:46 pm
by theokus

I am Theo, 64.5 years young or old :wink3:
I grew up in an agricultural region.
View through Google the city of Maaseik, the River Meuse, Heppeneert.
A few friends were the sons of farmers and no poverty sufferers.

I love this game.
And it's cheap :wink3:
This game you keep going and that's the great thing about this game.


Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:56 pm
by The Scillonian
Hi, I'm Tony and I'm retired (66 yrs young). I love FS13, have had FS11 + Pro Farm. I have virtually all the real life type sims, Flight Simulator, Motorboat Simulator, Trains, etc but FS 13 is my favourite. I tend to like playing my sims during the autumn and winter because there's a load of rubbish on the tele. During the summer evenings I prefer to be on my boat on The Broads when the weather is good enough. But then the weather is quite often rubbish. I tend to only play in the evenings as I don't want to get so fixated by these games that they rule my life, much as I'd like them to!
Although I've made a few mistakes with FS13, like buying the wrong harvester, etc I think I'm doing quite well with 32 ha and the top quality machines with a healthy bank balance. When I get to the top in this game, I'll simply start another one in DS13


Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:19 pm
by Papigeo
Bonjour à tous. Je suis un papy de 65 ans qui vit en France en Normandie. Je suis tout nouveau sur ce jeux (sur pc) et j'ai du mal à m'en sortir.


Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:58 pm
by erko

I'd like to know why the little problem of your computer all the time throws me out of the game


Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 10:19 pm
by rwisdaman
Hi I'm Richard and I was born and raised in the great state of Iowa, southeast corner to be exact. I worked a lot on my uncles family farm as I was growing up. had a few cattle, crops were mostly beans and corn. still running 2 JD 4440's in the fields. I am retired at 45 now and currently living in South Carolina. Used to drive trucks and was a boom crane operator hauling sheetrock. Now I just sit and play pc games all day long while being a stay at home dad for my little boy. I play Farming Simulator, EVE online, flight simulator, ARMA, BF3, and Sins of a solar Empire mostly, I have several other games I play from time to time as well.

But about 70% of my gaming is spent on Farming Simulator.


Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:47 am
by Jayce365
I am jayce and 23 years old young man and i love travelling and playing new interesting games and car racing as well.I am new to this game and i really like it.


Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:29 pm
by Mojodishu
Steffen here from Denmark, 37 years old body, mind of a teenager :mrgreen: .
Worked on a farm when i was around 10-24, so been doing farming real life.
Farm simulator is nice and relaxing, when i am taking breaks from fast paced MMO's. Using mods, but sadly no knowhow of making mods.
Still need to find a multi fruit map and vehicles that can harvest them. Tryed getting some, but sofar no success.


Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 10:16 am
by BBGravesen

Im from Denmmark and im playing this game oldmost every day.

Im admin on the BBGravesen DK server and have a group on Facebook



Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:24 pm
by NVillers86
Hello everyone!

Been on here for awhile and just now thought to click on this thread! I am a 27 year old architect in Northeast Ohio (USA). I grew up on a 2,000 acre grain,dairy, and beef farm and I miss it every day. I use FS13, my large vegetable garden, and my 6 backyard chickens to satisfy my urge to farm! I enjoy the threads and everyone's thoughts and guidance about the game. Happy farming everyone!


Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:01 pm
by Bluesman
Hi all,

I'm from Sheffield U.K.

Been playing games since I was 8 years old and prefer games like Sim City and Legend Of Zelda.

However I am now obsessed with Farming Simulator even though I don't as yet own a copy, (there's one on it's way though).

First post and looking forward to asking dumb questions for obvious answers.



Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 4:17 am
by Buzz2112
Hi. I'm Glenn from Ontario Canada, I'm 47 years young and an avid pc gamer when I'm not working or playing drums in a band. I'm new to farming simulator and really enjoying learning how to play it in between maps of bf3 and lotro, but who am I kidding I try to play them all, you should see how many games I have on my HD. :hi:


Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:38 am
by Maverick31
Je suis joueur depuis 2 mois et j'adore ce jeu.
J'ai acheté le pack Titanium.
J'ai 40 ans.


Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 12:57 am
by Chumly
Chumly (I go by that in real life), 38, live in San Diego California but from Kansas (farms obviously), and work as a power plant operator/tech. I basically play the game because I've never seen a Farm Sim before and I'm pretty tired of a lot of the other games out there currently. Sims seem to fill the lost voids. I'd rather log fake hours on Flightsims or fake land/income in this Farm Sim more.

I joined the community here to assist those starting off with basic questions, talk about the game in general, and to see if I can assist modders with some some pictures/textures/details of Agco products. I'd love to see some Gleaner, MF, Heston, Challenger, or other equipment brands that aren't Fendt so it's not so strange to U.S. players.


Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:47 pm
by mikeaust
Hi I am Mike,
67 year old disabled pensioner from Adelaide Australia. I was brought up on a dairy farm in Tasmania. I drove tractors on farms in the area, at weekends and holidays from when I was 13. My Dad used horses on his farm till I was 15..
Left the farm when I was 18. Had many jobs over the years and worked on Broadacre farms, Beef farms, for Agricultural Contractor driver Caterpillar D6s. But unfortunately most of my time was spent stuck in city as a Whitegoods tech.
I have used FS11 for a couple of years and enjoyed it very much, also run Trainz. These have kept me sane over the last five years with many operations and hospital time.
I just bought FS13 and finding it very different, but will keep plugging at it.
