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1 server-16 farms

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 7:29 pm
by Michel le fermier
Good morning
I expose here my problem which concerns the multiplayer and I have not yet found the answer in my various searches on the forum
we are a group of 16 people who want to play together
so we have a 16 slot server dedicated to this game
everything is going well until arriving at the creation of the farms by the server admin once connected, basic we wanted to have each our farm in order to have the management of his farm in autonomy which also includes the money ( each his own money), and use mutual aid if necessary
it would seem that the game only allows you to create 8 farms for 16 people (slot), which seems strange to me, why make 16 players possible but not be able to have more 8 farms?
Isn't it possible by any means whatsoever to increase the number of farms so that everyone has their own? rather than resorting to the subcontractor system

Thanks in advance for any help I could get here.