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Buckland farm - a few bugs

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:00 pm
by OldasDirt74
Having played Buckland farm map for a little while now i have come across the following bugs, dont know if anyone else has these issues and if the creator is aware.? Note: i have only set up 'shop' on the cow farm so have not found any issues else where yet.
On the cow farm ( main/starting farm) the manure trigger point inside the cow barn does not work. if you stand by it it says there is 0l of manure, yet according to the 'sales' page there is at least 100,000l of manure somewhere? also, if you add a manure heap/silo this too does not register any manure. ( note - i have 300 cows giving milk and slurry so i know that bit works.)
The large cow pasture Buckland farm mod ( available via the construction-animals) the water trigger point does not work. as such any animals added to this pasture do not 'grow' and stay at 0 productivity, rendering this pasture not viable.
Also the same cow pasture - once placed on farm you can not delete it, this is fine if you do not save but if game saves this pasture is now fixed.
The new breeds of cow and bull are great but when you purchase some they appear as a completely different breed but register as the type purchased - to look at it can appear as a Limmy but is meant to be a Holstein and such like.
the two large silage clamps/silo on the farm to start - there was a large amount (11,000l) of silage 'stuck' around the right edge and rear of the clamp which was untouchable. The clamp registered the amount left in place but you cant remove it. as such you can not add new grass/ chaff to start a new harvest. thus rendering this silo now useless. the only way to get round this was to completely remove/delete the clamp and place a new on in its place.

Re: Buckland farm - a few bugs

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 5:01 pm
by OldasDirt74
forgot to mention this is on the Playstation 5 console eddition.

Re: Buckland farm - a few bugs

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 3:38 am
by TheGazbeard
On the main cow farm, in the cow shed - there is nowhere to tip straw to generate manure. This is a game blocker if running an organic farm playthrough.

Also the tip point for the grain silo is very hit and miss - unless your trailer's grain door is exactly over the pixels for the tip registration, it only lets you tip in 1500Ltr quantities, even if your whole trailer is on the grid.