Workshop does not detect the vehicle

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Workshop does not detect the vehicle

Post by HugoCastro »

I have a truck mod that after purchasing it I can't repair it or configure it in the workshop. I place it over the trigger, but the workshop does not detect its presence.
It only appears in the workshop when attached to another implement, such as a trailer.
Any ideas on how to resolve it?
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Joined: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:45 pm

Re: Workshop does not detect the vehicle

Post by XPModder »

Sounds like either a incorrectly positioned collision or a incorrectly set collision mask.
Basically, the workshop trigger and a trigger/collision of the vehicle have to be touching or inside each other and have to have at least one bit in the collision mask that both have set.
Check everything on your vehicle that has a RigidBody and check its collision mask. Compare it to a basegame vehicle.
Either your vehicle has the collision mask set incorrectly somewhere or the relevant object with the correct collision mask is in a weird location (like underneath the vehicle where it will be underground ingame or above or offset to any other direction to the point where it doesnt line up with the vehicle any more).
The game cant detect any of the visual parts of your vehicle being in the trigger, it needs to detect some object with a RigidBody and the correct collision mask. If that doesnt exist or is not in a reasonable location, the game wont detect your vehicle...
I suspect with attached vehicles, when the game detects one, it will then also see all those that are attached to it, so it probably detects the attached implement in the trigger and then sees that that is attached to your truck without actually detecting your truck in the trigger...
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