Place able mod friendly map?

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Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:12 am

Place able mod friendly map?

Post by Duffas »

I've been trying to find a map that is friendly for place able mods. As in a small starting farm with area around it for placing buildings and such to make the farm more unique to my needs and wants; other than having to add them to the map through the editor. I've played the Central Kansas map, and its fine for that aspect but the almost completely flat map starts to get boring after a while. Any suggestions would be grateful.
Posts: 36
Joined: Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:59 am

Re: Place able mod friendly map?

Post by physbo »

if there is demand for one, I'm willing to attempt at building one. Just because I like the idea as well. A map more for building your own farm instead of having barns and silos already placed. The mods already exist for such a map, not to mention who knows how long such mods will be available for 2015.
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