Missing animal sounds

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Missing animal sounds

Post by Brumi »

PC/Mac/PS4/XB1: PC
Vehicle/Tool/Model/Object: Animal pens (chicken coop in my case)
Issue: After a few minutes into the game, farm animals stop making any sounds. If you stand right in the middle of an animal pen, you hear nothing. You only hear animal sounds when you approach the pen from a distance. My observation is that all animal sounds go off at once when you enter a certain hearing distance; after that, the animals remain silent.
Single- or Multiplayer: Both
Steps to reproduce:
  1. Start a new farm.
  2. Buy a small chicken coop.
  3. Buy a bunch of chickens, let's say, 20 hens and 10 roosters.
  4. Stand in the middle of the chicken coop for a minute or two. Hear the chickens doing their thing.
  5. After a short while, they all go silent.
  6. Now if you go away from the coop (say, 50 meters away), and go back, you hear some sounds as you enter the hearing distance, but if you stand in the middle of the coop again, you hear nothing.
Does it happen on a standard map without mods yes
Which vehicles & machines are involved: Farm animals and animal pens

Log file is attached. Thank you in advance! :)
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