Yet ANOTHER sync issue....with a thought!

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Yet ANOTHER sync issue....with a thought!

Post by FlyingMasterChef »

So, like MANY others, my friends and I have the great sync issue stuck at 99% (and 29% syncing.) Many people have posted many thoughts on this...but I have not. And oddly enough, apparently, neither has Giants!!!!!!! This leads me to a great big WTF!!!!!????!!!!

Giants, come on. Many of us have paid a good deal of money for this simulator. We love to play it. We love it even more with friends in multiplayer. However, this issue is not going away, and for whatever reason, you simply ignore it. I mean, do your techs or anyone there actually read the forums YOU host? I mean, with all the money we have paid to you and you are (hopefully) paying your employees can't at least ONE of them (or how about the lead tech or even the CEO) find the time to read the posts and comment on them? Heck, we would probably (I would) be happy (or at least happier) if you simply acknowledged the issues and let us know YOU understand and maybe even that you are working on it.

I totally understand that with so many people using so many different mods and as well as different computer configurations, it can be a bit daunting trying to troubleshoot but isn't that was logs are for? I mean, we post them you read them? But, I have also noticed that about 99% of people will obviously try turning off all mods and many (like my friends and I) STILL have the same issue. I mean, we can play online (dedicated paid-for server or our own server/playable game or even a second copy of the game we paid for to host a dedicated server) for hours, days, or even weeks at a time. No issues. Then all of a sudden one or more of us can't connect anymore. We get the 99% spinning circle and the 29% Syncing.

I have seen many people post that removing a certain mod fixed their issue. Ok...but did you EVER get on with that mod installed? If so, it wasn't ever the mod. If not, then probably. However, we have been playing for weeks and never changed one mod. Then all of a sudden I couldn't get on. We removed a mod (just any for no reason) and I got on again. Put it back on, I got on again. Now, I have not been able to get on for several days. We have turned all mods off. Still can't get on. My best guess is that IF it's a mod it would be related to auto-drive and/or courseplay. Not the mods themselves...we use them both and always have. But, we are doing the Wild West 8km map and have many many 1000's of points. I would guess in the 10,000's honestly between the 2 mods. There are times we have 40 vehicles all running courses on fields and on the road at one time. And yes, sometimes lag is insane. But, honestly, usually not all that bad. So I was thinking that maybe the issue is this. And instead of a stuck at 99%...we focus more on the syncing 29%. I am thinking that at times, for whatever reason since it's random...., the game simply cannot sync with other people. There is too much data to syn up and especially if things are moving and running when another tries to join...bam! And God forbid you have more than 2 people connecting. (we only have 2 of us ever...)

So, this being the case couldn't the game be made to NOT sync until the game is 100% running? Don't even start the sync. Load the game for the player trying to connect. THEN stop (players on will have to get over it) everything so nothing is moving for the time that it takes to get all the data to the new player. THEN start everyone up and there is no longer a sync issue. This is how some other multiplayer games work and it works perfectly. Some don't even have to stop the other 1500 players...they simply get you (new player) into the game and then sync up as time goes on the rest of the world...starting with close to you and moving outward. This should fix all sync issues and allow everyone to get back to enjoying the game.

Thanks for taking the time to actually read all of this. And a reply would be totally sweet! :)

Flying Master Chef (Greg)
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Re: Yet ANOTHER sync issue....with a thought!

Post by Patar »

You can have a reply from me, even if I can't help you. We have the same problems since weeks and its almost impossible to join our server. But can you please tell me how big your splitShapes.gmss file is in your savegame?
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Re: Yet ANOTHER sync issue....with a thought!

Post by Guil »

Many times a server stuck on99% needs a reboot. That is nothing to do with Giants and you should have a scheduled restart set for your server to help limit this issue.

Also, another little fyi is things like bales, pallets, vehicles or equipment parked on or near triggers, buildings clipping or too close to the edge of the map are all server killers and that is user generated issues.
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Re: Yet ANOTHER sync issue....with a thought!

Post by Patar »

Its not a dedicated server so we restart every day, sometimes five times a day. Its totally not user generated if it works 5 minutes later. Nothing changed so how should it be user generated?
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Re: Yet ANOTHER sync issue....with a thought!

Post by Guil »

My reply was to the op who said they play on a dedicated server. If it's a self hosted server it is even less reliable. Anything up around 200 vehicles or equipment on a server will cause stability issues. You don't have to like it but that's the reality. We run 200+ servers across FS19 and FS22 and other than a few needing additional restarts every now and again they are pretty trouble free unless the issues I posted above happen.
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Re: Yet ANOTHER sync issue....with a thought!

Post by Patar »

There is no problem with the vehicle, its the splitShapes file. If nobody of your clients work with forestry and trees, there is no problem at all. Our problem is solved by removing the splitShapes.gmss in savegame-folder. On the german side there are many with that problem, unfortunately atm no-one answered on my question if they work with trees yet, but its clearly the fault in our case. There is anything wrong with the synchronization of that file, even if its only 4mb while the fruit_density with 12mb is synchronized in one second without any problems.
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