Map size

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Map size

Post by Farmer-Giles »

When designing a map in GE how do I know how big my map is?, iv took the Elm Creek map and blanked it and flattened it now I would make my map from there..
The on thing I'm concerned with is the .xml files?, do these get automatically or do I need to learn a new language?
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Joined: Fri Nov 30, 2018 1:40 am

Re: Map size

Post by Tiredasagiraffe »

If you have extracted your map from the game as a mod then it will be the standard size, default 2km x 2km.
You don't really don't need to worry about what size it is unless you're aiming to make a 4x map or bigger. If you're only starting out I'd stick to a standard size map until you've got a handle on the basics first.
But, the controls for your map size is found by selecting terrain in the scenegraph, your map will highlight in green and you will see the mesh that the map terrain is constructed from.
All the settings are then found under the Terrain tab in the Attributes panel. To increase the map size you will also have to alter the size of the files like your weight files, infolayer files and your map DEM.
Here's an explainer on map size from Bauer Brown, he waffles a bit but you should be able to glean some info from his video:

You could also try shywizard on Youtube though most of his map related tutorials concentrate on FS19 but some of the principles are transferrable.

The xml files in simple terms controls what is loaded into your map on launch. So like a set of basic settings.
On launching your map in game the first xml the game looks at is the modDesc.xml. This is a configuration file and contains info like the name of the map and the description describing features the author may have added for example.

The map.xml will load files that control lighting/environment, NPCs, the food your animals consume. Most can remain as default but you will need to alter a few that point to default game files.
One example would be the farmlands.xml. You will most likely be recreating farmlands custom to the layout of the map so will have to tell the maps.xml to point to the new farmlands.xml.
The placeable.xml will load and set co-ordinates for things like farm buildings, the bga, sell points and production buildings.
And the vehicles.xml determines what vehicles are loaded by default on first opening the map in game.

But initially you will only be changing file paths within any of the your map xmls. Though, it will get more in depth as you want to alter different aspects of the map.
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