"Too many items" error when loading save game.

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"Too many items" error when loading save game.

Post by sn5775 »

Hi all,

When I try to load my saved game on FS22 (XBOX One X, Crocken Farm), I receive the error message "Cannot start selected savegame due to too many items. Loading this save will sell exceeding items".

I had noticed that I am nearing the slot limit and I had intended to do something about it.

What does the "slot limit" apply too? Is it vehicles and placeables?

If I continue to load the saved game, which items will the game sell? Vehicles? Placeables? Will I get a choice and/or be advised which items have been sold?

Thank you in advance for any advice.

Kind regards.

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Re: "Too many items" error when loading save game.

Post by herrman »

Well, it says: "items", in my Items.xml (PC) I've only got bales, so I think it's the same for your xbox.

And, if that's the case, I can suggest you a placeable bale shed, so bales are stored as sub-items ready to be deployed upon request

Since I've never played on xbox, is there a chance to get out of the game without saving?
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Re: "Too many items" error when loading save game.

Post by FBtheSQL »

Wouldn't it be awesome if they'd be a little less vague with their warning messages?

If the message does refer to bales as @herrman said, then wouldn't it be awesome if they prevented you from creating too many "items" in the first place?
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Re: "Too many items" error when loading save game.

Post by herrman »

Maybe they got stuck on PC mindset and omitted the detail since a pc user can go and see himself, frankly I don't know if there can be anything else in "items.XML" but in mine I've got only 786 bales

Then for sure it cannot be pallets or big bags since they go in "vehicles.xml"
Guy, if you're gonna ask for help remember that we're not beside you in front of your screen. So, please, help us helping you by giving us some details such as log.txt, hardware details...

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Re: "Too many items" error when loading save game.

Post by FBtheSQL »

When I write messages in my code, regardless of the platform, I try to be as precise as possible.

Can you imagine the convo around the developers table at Giants.
"We should show an error message when the user is trying to load a save that has too many bales, that we let them create in the first place."
"Good idea, how about 'Cannot start selected savegame due to too many Bales (sorry for letting you create them). Loading this save will sell exceeding Bales'"?
"No no, there are a lot of PC players, and even though the bale limit is for Console players, PC players can look in the item.xml file to possibly help the Console players."
"Ok, sounds good, we'll replace 'Bale' with 'item', and that should be clear enough."
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Re: "Too many items" error when loading save game.

Post by sn5775 »

Thank you for the replies.

I decided to load the saved game in question, accepting the error message.

There were no further error messages and there doesn't appear to be anything obvious missing. My most recent placeables are still there, as are my most recent purchased vehicles.

However, I did notice that the slot count is right on the limit - 2599 / 2600.

I haven't done any baling for a while and all bales are stored in bale storage.

Most of my pallets and bags are also stored in storage buildings, apart from a few that need collecting from productions as I haven't been keeping up with collecting them all!
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