corn planting info.

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Joined: Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:05 am

corn planting info.

Post by Farmallb »

When corn is growing in the fields, it grows in the pattern of what once was called Check Row Planting. In planting that way, which you can see examples of it done on U tubes, the corn can be plowed (cultivated) 4 ways. The same way, back and forth that it was planted, Cross ways from the direction it was planted, and diagonally 2 different ways from the way it was planted.
That was done in the early days for better weed control, tho it lessened actual grain production. In a field, in a rainy year, the difference between standard planting, and CRP might not make up a difference in total grain yield, as, being muddy alot of the growing season, one couldn't do proper cultivating and timely, and the weeds would floursh choking out the corn and lowering production.
Theres no way to alter the game in order to NOT do CRP, so you as a farmer have the same chances of a yield as I or any other player does.
Just some historical, I guess, info.
Posts: 32
Joined: Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:22 pm

Re: corn planting info.

Post by stanleyo »

We had to hand hoe corn when the stalks were too tall for the Farmall cultivator we had. Hard, hot work for a teenager LOL
Posts: 68
Joined: Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:06 pm

Re: corn planting info.

Post by Sarxis »

Thanks for the information Farmallb! Interesting to know. Learning about modern agriculture is one of the reasons I like FS2013 so much. :)
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