Bunker Silos, All maps

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Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:27 am

Bunker Silos, All maps

Post by KHaseloff2020 »

When making silage with bunker Silos, a portion of the silage can not be picked up in any form or fashion. It appears that the games is rendering it as chaff, but the bunker states it's silage. You are able to clear the bunker using the painting tool, however this can cause substantial losses depending on amount that is stuck.

I have also realized, that certain equipment, such as front weights and silo compaction implements can occasionally get stuck in the walls of bunkers. I had this happen with the Stego 485 Pro, PAC-1500 weight, and Zelon CFS 2501 DO clipping slightly into the bunker walls causing them to get stuck.

I'm almost positive I'm not the only one who's experienced this, but figured I should put in my two cents