[FS22] Unable to select/sell some buildings.

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Joined: Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:29 am

[FS22] Unable to select/sell some buildings.

Post by StefanCG »


I have a server running 24/7 (the pause when empty option is disabled). Today when I tried to see the greenhouse production , it seems like it doesn't exist anymore. Still the object (physical object) is still on the map but I can't select it or sell it.

I also checked the placeable.xml file and it seems like the greenhouse is still there, that it has the same farm id as the another one (I have 2 greenfarms , one is working , another one not) and the same options as the one that is working (except the coordinates which should be ofc different but pretty close).

Is the Bug known? It seems that this "ghost" bug is happening with some other productions of mine too (eg. Honey Production). Some of them are not seenable in production menu, unselectable , unsellable but they do exist in the xml files and they are visible on the map. Also the collidable are working since I can't pass trough the building.

See the screenshots here:
Any help?

Thank you,

Re: [FS22] Unable to select/sell some buildings.

Post by Tommy93 »

Did you also update the edited files on the server side?

Because from what I've known you need to unzip the mod, open the map in giants editor, do what you want to change (including removing triggers for that particular building you want to remove), open the placeables.xml to delete everything of the changes you made there, then save it all, zip it up and upload to the server AND update it in your modfolder.

But I haven't done it myself that much, so I'm going off bits of information I collected the past 2 years on this forum, over the internet and YouTube etc. So my information CAN be wrong or incomplete.

But I hope it helps with finding the step you missed or anything :hi:

If anything is wrong or incomplete on this post I'm pretty sure people will try to help and add more information.
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Joined: Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:29 am

Re: [FS22] Unable to select/sell some buildings.

Post by StefanCG »


I did not edit anything. The placeable.xml file is from the server side. Everything worked normaly until today when I could't select or sell the buildings anymore. I noticed this error happened fist at 08:00 in the morning. I restarted the server and some honey production worked again. After playing a bit more I noticed now that some other honey productions and the greenhouse are not anymore in the production screen. They are also not selectable but some other greenhouses or honey productions are selectable.
Thx for the post and information. Hope still there might be someone who had the same problem and got a fix or so.


Re: [FS22] Unable to select/sell some buildings.

Post by Tommy93 »

Do you have the log of the server since you say you had an error? Maybe people can help you out when they got more information.

If you don't know how to post the log:
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Joined: Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:29 am

Re: [FS22] Unable to select/sell some buildings.

Post by StefanCG »


sorry for late answer. See attached logs.
Thank you,
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:29 am

Re: [FS22] Unable to select/sell some buildings.

Post by StefanCG »



little update in case it helps. I tried to delete from "placeables.xml" the following lines:

Code: Select all

<placeable filename="data/placeables/lizard/greenhouses/greenhouseLarge/greenhouseLarge.xml" id="95" position="300.63021850586 75.754867553711 -560.44097900391" rotation="0 142.34376509571 0" age="2.000000" price="10000.000000" farmId="1">
            <animatedObject time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
            <animatedObject time="1.000000" direction="0"/>
            <animatedObject time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
            <animatedObject time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
            <animatedObject time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
            <animatedObject time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
        <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim="0.005619">
            <production id="tomato" isEnabled="true"/>
            <production id="strawberry" isEnabled="true"/>
            <production id="lettuce" isEnabled="true"/>
            <priorityFillType>WATER 10</priorityFillType>
            <storage farmId="1">
                <node fillType="TOMATO" fillLevel="3234.368408"/>
                <node fillType="WATER" fillLevel="15428.052734"/>
                <node fillType="STRAWBERRY" fillLevel="1338.294922"/>
                <node fillType="LETTUCE" fillLevel="334.577057"/>
    <placeable filename="data/placeables/lizard/greenhouses/greenhouseLarge/greenhouseLarge.xml" id="96" position="310.87869262695 75.750968933105 -553.94116210938" rotation="0 142.34376509571 0" age="2.000000" price="10000.000000" farmId="1">
            <animatedObject time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
            <animatedObject time="1.000000" direction="0"/>
            <animatedObject time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
            <animatedObject time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
            <animatedObject time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
            <animatedObject time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
        <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim="0.005619">
            <production id="lettuce" isEnabled="true"/>
            <production id="tomato" isEnabled="true"/>
            <production id="strawberry" isEnabled="true"/>
            <priorityFillType>WATER 10</priorityFillType>
            <storage farmId="1">
                <node fillType="TOMATO" fillLevel="669.511414"/>
                <node fillType="WATER" fillLevel="15427.768555"/>
                <node fillType="STRAWBERRY" fillLevel="1338.869873"/>
                <node fillType="LETTUCE" fillLevel="1617.257324"/>
the upper lines represents the placeables for Green Houses.
And also I deleted the following lines for Honey Productions:

Code: Select all

<placeable modName="FS22_Honey_Production" filename="$moddir$FS22_Honey_Production/FS22_Bienen/beeHivesLevel05/beeHivesLevel05.xml" id="81" position="409.05981445313 76.743186950684 -650.60052490234" rotation="0 51.571824856518 0" age="3.000000" price="19000.000000" farmId="1">
        <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim="0.187302">
            <production id="Honig" isEnabled="true"/>
            <priorityFillType>BEES 10</priorityFillType>
            <storage farmId="1">
                <node fillType="BEES" fillLevel="625.469482"/>
                <node fillType="HONEY" fillLevel="5133.522461"/>
    <placeable modName="FS22_Honey_Production" filename="$moddir$FS22_Honey_Production/FS22_Bienen/beeHivesLevel05/beeHivesLevel05.xml" id="82" position="403.42224121094 76.428016662598 -643.29345703125" rotation="0 51.571824856518 0" age="3.000000" price="19000.000000" farmId="1">
        <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim="0.187302">
            <production id="Honig" isEnabled="true"/>
            <priorityFillType>BEES 10</priorityFillType>
            <storage farmId="1">
                <node fillType="BEES" fillLevel="852.346313"/>
                <node fillType="HONEY" fillLevel="5052.372559"/>
    <placeable modName="FS22_Honey_Production" filename="$moddir$FS22_Honey_Production/FS22_Bienen/beeHivesLevel05/beeHivesLevel05.xml" id="83" position="397.61871337891 76.408561706543 -636.04315185547" rotation="0 50.232988250885 0" age="3.000000" price="19000.000000" farmId="1">
        <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim="0.187302">
            <production id="Honig" isEnabled="true"/>
            <priorityFillType>BEES 10</priorityFillType>
            <storage farmId="1">
                <node fillType="BEES" fillLevel="898.952454"/>
                <node fillType="HONEY" fillLevel="5051.487305"/>
    <placeable modName="FS22_Honey_Production" filename="$moddir$FS22_Honey_Production/FS22_Bienen/beeHivesLevel05/beeHivesLevel05.xml" id="84" position="391.46319580078 76.459144592285 -629.26818847656" rotation="0 48.894155060346 0" age="3.000000" price="19000.000000" farmId="1">
        <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim="0.187302">
            <production id="Honig" isEnabled="true"/>
            <priorityFillType>BEES 10</priorityFillType>
            <storage farmId="1">
                <node fillType="BEES" fillLevel="626.095520"/>
                <node fillType="HONEY" fillLevel="5123.219727"/>
    <placeable modName="FS22_Honey_Production" filename="$moddir$FS22_Honey_Production/FS22_Bienen/beeHivesLevel05/beeHivesLevel05.xml" id="85" position="385.23867797852 76.533073425293 -622.66876220703" rotation="0 48.894155060346 0" age="3.000000" price="19000.000000" farmId="1">
        <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim="0.187302">
            <production id="Honig" isEnabled="true"/>
            <priorityFillType>BEES 10</priorityFillType>
            <storage farmId="1">
                <node fillType="BEES" fillLevel="625.750000"/>
                <node fillType="HONEY" fillLevel="5126.499512"/>
    <placeable modName="FS22_Honey_Production" filename="$moddir$FS22_Honey_Production/FS22_Bienen/beeHivesLevel05/beeHivesLevel05.xml" id="86" position="379.01559448242 76.618675231934 -616.16857910156" rotation="0 48.894155060346 0" age="3.000000" price="19000.000000" farmId="1">
        <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim="0.187302">
            <production id="Honig" isEnabled="true"/>
            <priorityFillType>BEES 10</priorityFillType>
            <storage farmId="1">
                <node fillType="BEES" fillLevel="625.682678"/>
                <node fillType="HONEY" fillLevel="11115.865234"/>
    <placeable modName="FS22_Honey_Production" filename="$moddir$FS22_Honey_Production/FS22_Bienen/beeHivesLevel05/beeHivesLevel05.xml" id="87" position="372.81527709961 76.700386047363 -609.43103027344" rotation="0 48.894155060346 0" age="3.000000" price="19000.000000" farmId="1">
        <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim="0.187302">
            <production id="Honig" isEnabled="true"/>
            <priorityFillType>BEES 10</priorityFillType>
            <storage farmId="1">
                <node fillType="BEES" fillLevel="625.822876"/>
                <node fillType="HONEY" fillLevel="18708.849609"/>
    <placeable modName="FS22_Honey_Production" filename="$moddir$FS22_Honey_Production/FS22_Bienen/beeHivesLevel05/beeHivesLevel05.xml" id="88" position="366.50634765625 76.758758544922 -602.89666748047" rotation="0 48.894155060346 0" age="3.000000" price="19000.000000" farmId="1">
        <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim="0.187302">
            <production id="Honig" isEnabled="true"/>
            <priorityFillType>BEES 10</priorityFillType>
            <storage farmId="1">
                <node fillType="BEES" fillLevel="626.311035"/>
                <node fillType="HONEY" fillLevel="18684.441406"/>
    <placeable modName="FS22_Honey_Production" filename="$moddir$FS22_Honey_Production/FS22_Bienen/beeHivesLevel05/beeHivesLevel05.xml" id="89" position="360.35458374023 76.766540527344 -595.94909667969" rotation="0 48.894155060346 0" age="3.000000" price="19000.000000" farmId="1">
        <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim="0.187302">
            <production id="Honig" isEnabled="true"/>
            <priorityFillType>BEES 10</priorityFillType>
            <storage farmId="1">
                <node fillType="BEES" fillLevel="626.452698"/>
                <node fillType="HONEY" fillLevel="18677.363281"/>
    <placeable modName="FS22_Honey_Production" filename="$moddir$FS22_Honey_Production/FS22_Bienen/beeHivesLevel05/beeHivesLevel05.xml" id="90" position="354.08184814453 76.712059020996 -589.33959960938" rotation="0 48.894155060346 0" age="3.000000" price="19000.000000" farmId="1">
        <productionPoint productionCostsToClaim="0.187302">
            <production id="Honig" isEnabled="true"/>
            <priorityFillType>BEES 10</priorityFillType>
            <storage farmId="1">
                <node fillType="BEES" fillLevel="626.104248"/>
                <node fillType="HONEY" fillLevel="5136.785645"/>
After doing so , and started again the server, I wasn't able to interacti with anything else (Sleep, Open Silo Menu , etc ...)

After Restoring the original "placeables.xml" file back and started the server again , seems that some of the honey productions are working back again , but not all.
Now it seems that none of the green houses placed on the map are selectable or sellable anymore...


Re: [FS22] Unable to select/sell some buildings.

Post by Tommy93 »

I don't have a clue, but what if you start a new save without any active mods? Is it then working? If so then there is a mod conflict and you need to find out which mod is causing it.
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